Aliento del Viento is an international association without lucrative purpose (IVZW in Dutch). Our registration number is 0539.995.634. This is how the articles describe Aliento:
The association aims at creating an international platform for permanent education by, on the one hand, organising activities and events which confront the participants with the fundamental questions of life and, on the other hand, helping people in moral or concrete peril. Activities such as, for instance, breathing exercises, dance and movement, revelatory music, manual-creative activities, submersion in nature or in another culture, development cooperation, activities with an essentially religious, moral or educative character which are nevertheless not caught in the framework of a religion.
In other words,
Aliento del Viento is part of the Clannic movement
Le Mouvement Clanic is the largest platform for permanent education in Belgium. In 2013 the movement unites 97 VZWs, IVZWs and private foundations, with in total more than 12.000 members in 3.000 active families.
The word "Clanic" means "from the Clan" (after the Gaelic "clann", "family"). The Clan is a group of families, connected out of the desire to share their competences freely and gratuitously through associations of which the common goal is to provide a complimentary international platform for permanent education in each of the twelve primordial activities of Man: water, agriculture, education, food, construction, energy, transport, clothing, health, communication and art. We wish to make the underprivileged citizen-consumer interact, so that he can acquire his goods, his abilities, his health, his security in a "Clanic" spirit which is ethical, ecological, responsible. We aspire to, eventually on world-scale, replace all services and products of mediocre ecological quality and purity and poor traceability by high-quality services and products which are pure, traceable, innovative and cheap, designed, made and distributed freely by "Clanic" organs part of the CPAAS Clanic and the TERRASCLANS.
Aliento del Viento